The SURPAC “Lite” Module
The SURPAC “Lite” Module provides a Stand Alone, Entry Level suite of Survey Software applications, that covers the fundamental calculation and CAD requirements for most Survey Offices.
The omission of specific applications found in the SURPAC Conversions, Least Squares, Topographical, Engineering, Mining and Cadastral Modules makes the SURPAC “Lite” Module a cost effective “starter” suite of Survey applications.
In spite of these cost reducing omissions, the SURPAC “Lite” Module is able to provide a suite of Survey calculation solutions, as described below. Click the Button below in order to view a detailed description of the applications included in the SURPAC “Lite” Module.
Purchasers of the SURPAC “Lite” Module may expand their SURPAC Software at any time, by adding on any of the other seven Modules. This may be done simultaneously, or at a future date.
The SURPAC “Lite” Module is currently priced at R 7 100.00 in Southern Africa, and at US$ 550.00 for countries outside this region.
The SURPAC “Lite” Module includes the following applications :
Support for Ellipsoids such as:
- Clarke 1880 (Modified),
- Clarke 1866,
- WGS 1984,
- WGS 1972,
- Airy 1830,
- Airy 1830 (modified),
- Bessel 1841 (Ger. Leg. Metres),
- GRS80 ( WGS 1984)
- International (Hayford 1924)
- Hayford 1909
- Australian National
- Everest 1830
- Modified Everest
- South Asia (GRS67)
- IUGG 1967
- kaula 1963
- Bessel 1841 (Int. Metres)
- Local Plane System
- Helmert 1906
Support for various South African and U.K. Survey
Systems such as:
- South African “WG” Hartebeeshoek94 Datum,
- Southern African “Lo” Cape Datum,
- Southern African Arc 1950 Datum,
- U. K. National Grid (OSGB36),
- Irish National Grid
- Lesotho – WGS 1984 Ellipsoid System
- Nigeria – UTM Clarke 1880 (Modified) Ellipsoid System
- Nigeria – UTM WGS 1984 Spheroid System
- Nigeria – Minna (NTM) UTM Clarke 1880
- Egypt Co-ordinate System – Helmert 1906 Ellipsoid
- Malawi – UTM World System ( Arc 1950)
- U. K. National GPS Network (ETRS89),
- Universal Transverse Mercator,
- New Zealand Geodetic Datum NZGD1949
- Namibia – Bessel 1841(GL Metres)
- Namibia – Bessel 1841(Int Metres)
- Swaziland – WG System (WGS 1984)
- Zimbabwe Lo System (Arc 1950)
- Botswana – Lo System (Arc 1950)
- Lesotho – Lo System (Arc 1950)
- Local Plane System (Planar)
- New Zealand Geodetic Datum NZGD2000
- Mount Eden -Circuit 1949
- Mount Eden -Circuit 2000
- Zambia – Lo System (Arc 1950)
- ELD79 -Libyan Transverse Mercator System
- Libyan Geodetic Datum : LGD 2006 LGD 2° System
- Libyan Geodetic Datum : LGD 2006 LGD 6° System
- Libyan Geodetic Datum : LGD 2006 LGD 16° System
- Tanzania UTM World System (Arc 1960)
Kenya ( ARC 1960) UTM Zone System
- 2D and 3D Join calculations,
- Polar calculations from plane data and from field observations (auto distance reduction and orientation),
- Reverse Polar calculations,
- Two Sides & the Included Angle calculations,
- Intersections and Trilaterations,
- Curve Tangent Point and 3 Point Curve fitting,
- Area calculations with or without Co-ordinate checking,
- Fixed Area and Pivot Point Calculations
- Off-Line Calculations and Least Squares Line fitting,
- Splay Point calculations,
- Apex Points calculations,
- Data Traverses,
- Field Traverses (using Observation Files)
- Line Running and adjustment,
- Total Station and Logger Downloading and Uploading of Co-ordinates,
- File Printing and Setting Out Sheet construction,
- Importing and Exporting [Latitude, Longitude, Height] ASCII files,
- Importing and Exporting [Y (or E), X (or N), Height] ASCII files,
- Importing and Exporting [Y (or E), X (or N), Height] DXF format files,
- Google Earth Options
- ESRI Shape file Options
- Importing and Exporting [Y (or E), X (or N), Height] data from a Microsoft Access Database,
- General 2-D CAD drawing facility using Lines, Arcs, Text, Mark Points, Contours, plus DXF and Image support,
- Direct and/or ASCII loading of Observations from a wide range of Total Stations and Loggers (Topographical Menu),
- Mass Polar reductions direct from Observation Files (Topographical Menu),
- Viewing ASCII Files and Databases,
- On-screen Calculator with Survey, mathematical and financial functions.
- Merge Data from another Co-ordinate File
- Import [Y, X, Z] Data from a LandXML File
- Convert/Merge Data from a Tacheometric File
- Load Data from an Electronic Field Book
- Convert Data from a Horizontal Alignment File
- Locate and Add the Nearest Trig/TSM Beacons
- Copy Data to the Windows ClipBoard
- Display Co-ordinate File Maxima and Minima
- Export Data to a GPX File (for GPS systems)
- Switch Co-ord System from Lo 29° to LO
- Transform this File’s Data into a WG 29° File